Riot Birth Network Terms and Conditions
I agree to leave Riot Birth Network and cease using any content or resources if I don’t pay my fee to join Riot Birth Network in full or at the payment plan agreed on joining.
I agree that the first £200 paid to Riot Birth Network is to be treated as a non refundable deposit regardless of payment plan chosen etc.
I agree that once I have signed up to a payment plan I will continue to make the monthly payments I signed up for. Should I stop making payments without prior consent from the RBN team, I understand that they will proceed with legal action.
I agree not to share login details for Riot Birth Network training with anyone else.
I agree to inform Riot Birth Network as soon as possible if I wish to change to another training intake, this is not possible to do anytime after ONE MONTH prior to enrolment day. After this date, you have agreed to participate in this training intake and continue with your agreed payment plan (full training ONLY).
Riot Birth Network client resources are the intellectual property of The Birth Uprising, they are not a resources pack to be purchased and used freely. They are to be used in line with these terms and conditions only and only for use whilst part of the Riot Birth Network.
I agree not to share Riot Birth Network or The Birth Uprising content such as handbooks, templates etc with anyone outside of Riot Birth Network other than clients and those I am supporting to prepare for birth, this includes the sale of The Birth Uprising resources which is prohibited.
I agree to keep the The Birth Uprising logo on any handbooks or content created by The Birth Uprising if I modify the handbook cover in any way. I may add my branding by changing the front cover but will not give the impression that I have created this on my own. The Birth Uprising logo MUST be present on the front cover of the handbook and this must not be substituted for placing the logo on another page.
Removing any logo from The Birth Uprising resources will result in immediate removal from the Riot Birth Network community, this includes all pages of the handbook remaining as created by The Birth Uprising. Pages may be removed from the book altogether and my own pages added alongside.
I agree that should I wish to change the wording etc of any The Birth Uprising resources, I shall instead create my own version from scratch without infringing copyright. Use of the workbook is not mandatory so I am free to create my own materials to use instead.
In summary, in order to make The Birth Uprising handbook cohesive with my own branding, I may drag a new front cover onto the existing The Birth Uprising handbook, including The Birth Uprising logo. No other changes can be made to the content or design of the handbook.
‘The Network’
I agree to live by the Riot Birth Network ethos of being for ALL births and ALL people, I will give information to birthers that is evidence based to the best of my knowledge and without judgement.
I agree to help birthers prepare for whatever sort of birth makes them feel positive. I will not give medical advice or advise birthers to take a course of action based on my views.
I agree to get or keep informed on inequalities within the birth world and others relating to race, gender, sexuality, religion, disability and more.
I agree not to share anything that is harmful to marginalised groups and accept my mistake graciously should I make a mistake in this area and strive to learn more and do better.
I agree that should I decide to take a break from teaching for whatever reason, I will contact Riot Birth Network to inform them. This is to ensure that The Birth Uprising Birth worker directory can be up to date at all times to prevent wasting the time of those looking for an instructor.
I agree that I am to be removed from the Riot Birth Network community and to cease using the The Birth Uprising resources if I am found to be in breech of these Terms and Conditions.
I agree that should I choose to complete training provided by another party that this is not the responsibility of Riot Birth Network, even if that party is a member of Riot Birth Network. You are free to arrange training with fellow members of the gang but Riot Birth Network can not be held responsible for its content or facilitation.
Contacting Riot Birth Network
You can direct enquiries about your payments, workshops, training etc via email to
Please do give time for us to respond but feel free to give us a nudge if we haven’t responded within 7 days, it may be that we haven’t received it. Before sending us an email ask yourself, could I google this?
We encourage any questions relating to your clients, your courses, NHS procedures, research etc to be asked in the Riot Birth Network FB Group for the benefit of everyone and to get useful information and support from the other members of the gang.
Be aware that we are frequently not shown a notification when we are tagged in the FB Groups so may not see things there so easily.
Instagram messages move quickly so be mindful of this when messaging on there, they are easy to miss when things are busy on there.
If you feel you have an issue or query that you need some 1-1 advice on you can book a 1-1 coaching call with us.
In Return, Riot Birth Network Promise Me The Following-
The following resources will be available to me for use during my time with Riot Birth Network-
Ambient music for use by your clients.
Antenatal Session plans that you may adapt and change as you wish.
The The Birth Uprising Client Handbook that you may use and modify in line with the T&Cs.
Access to the relevant Riot Birth Network course you have signed up to.
Access to The Birth Uprising No Nonsense Hypnobirthing course at 50% off for your clients.
Access to the Riot Birth Network Facebook community.
Masterclasses open to all members.
Discounts on courses arranged with other providers via Riot Birth Network.
No monthly or yearly fees.