Welcome to Riot Birth Network, the birth rebels who give zero fucks about conforming to the boring-ass birth norms. We're Jade and Alix, the founders of Riot Birth Network (formally TBU Academy), and we've got an incredible team behind us named Terri and Becci. Together, we're on a mission to train individuals to become successful Hypnobirthing instructors and confident doulas.

Let's rewind and tell you how we got here. Jade and Alix here, two friends who met during our rebellious emo phase back in the day. We're talking giant mo fringes and Myspace and MSN till 2 in the morning. But little did we know, our paths would cross again in the most unexpected way.

Fast forward a few years, and we found ourselves preggo with our second babies at the same bloody time.

As we bonded over pregnancy, birth, and the challenges of motherhood, we discovered a shared passion for Hypnobirthing. And let's be real, we were skeptical as fuck at first. We had visions of vaginas opening up like fucking rosebuds, and that just didn't sit right with us.

But guess what? We decided to give Hypnobirthing a shot before our second births, and basically, we were converted.

Turns out, Hypnobirthing is actual, evidence-based science, not some airy fairy bullshit. It gives you the knowledge and tools to take control of your body and your birth. And that's when the fire was lit within us.

And so The Birth Uprising was born, we became Hypnobirthing instructors and started teaching expectant parents how to own their births. The love and appreciation we received from our clients was life changing. We realised we were onto something extraordinary.

When 2020 hit and the world shut down, we did what we always do and adapted.

In fact we were doing better than ever.

At points we had 20 clients a month and other instructors out there were wondering how we were doing it.

The lovely Laura from plus size pregnancy who Jade had originally trained with even said ‘ guys I would pay you to show me where I am going wrong and what you are doing so right’

and it got us thinking, we really do seem to have a knack for this. Our classes are engaging, people rave about us to their friends and getting clients is never an issue.

Maybe we could train others…. and so we did.

TBU Academy was born and to date with have trained over 200 people through our full training and conversion path way.

In 2022, Terri, our doula extraordinaire, joined our gang. She brought her doula skills and unwavering passion for birth to the table. With Terri by our side, we expanded our horizons and started training aspiring doulas to join our rebellious movement. We wanted to create a gang of birth warriors who would change the birth landscape forever and have a ripple effect on the entire world.

In 2023 Becci joined us to complete our core team at the head of TBU Academy.

Becci is our organiser extraordinaire and tech whizz kid and honestly has been the glue keeping it all together over the past 2 years.

Becci also runs BirthBiz VA and is just a breath of fresh air for us!

We wouldn’t be with her and if she ever tries to leave us…. well she won’t.

Fast forward to 2024 and things were shifting from the way they were during covid.

Lots of people were craving in person connection and as ever we could feel a shift in the way we wanted to do stuff.


All the goodness of TBU Academy and what makes it great with fresh ides, new content and a desire to get people connecting in person.

So here you are, you know our story, you know what led us here and what we are all about.

So if you want to join the riot.

What are you waiting for?

So, if you're ready to say "fuck you" to the status quo and become a force to be reckoned with in the birth world, you're in the right place. Welcome to Riot Birth Network, where we're rewriting the birthing rules, one badass birth worker at a time. Let's fucking do this!